Affiliate Marketing

An Introduction to Affiliate Marketing with DCC

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing


As a member of Domain Cost Club, you can take part in the affiliate program offered by the club. Are you new to affiliate marketing or unsure what it is?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing program where members, like DCC members, are rewarded for each referral who becomes a member. Affiliate marketing makes sense for many people because it’s a way to get paid for something you already do. When you like a product or service, you tell your friends, right? With affiliate marketing you get rewarded for those friends, or referrals, who decide to use that recommended product or service. Want to know how the affiliate program works for DCC? Below is our introduction to affiliate marketing for complete beginners and affiliate veterans who are simply new to DCC!


As we said above, referrals are those people that you recommend DCC to, who then become members. To be counted as a referral, these people must sign up for a new membership. So how do you get credit for a referral? When you sign up with DCC, DCC will generate a page just like except it is your referal page. When you link to your referral page, people can sign up for the same DCC products you did, but now give you credit for the sign up.

Your Network

As you refer more people to DCC and they refer people, this begins to build your network. With affiliate marketing, you earn referral income from people you’ve directly referred as well as people they have referred. To imagine how this works, think of how people are connected to a network, you know someone directly, and they know someone, who knows two people, who knows more people. You’re not directly connected to those people that are on the far edge of your network, but you are connected through your own connections. How does this apply to earning commissions with DCC? It simply means that DCC rewards you for the people you share DCC with and then keeps rewarding you as the network of people you have referred continues to build out, even when you’re not directly referring anyone.


The word matrix may sound a little overwhelming, but it’s actually a simple complex that helps to explain how your network makes you money.  A matrix is a way to organize those referrals we talked about so that everyone earns the most money possible. DCC uses a 4 x 7  matrix, with 7 being the number of levels in the network.  That means you will receive a commission for your referrals, their referrals, and theirs all the way down through 7 levels. These levels of people are often referred to as your downline.

So where does the 4 come in? Everyone’s first level is made up of 4 people, once you hit that 4, the next person spills down onto the next level, building your downline. The best part of spillover is that this means people will spill onto your downline as the person who referred you fills up their first line. That’s even more referral income, this time coming from the person who referred you!


Payouts are the monthly or semimonthly way DCC gets you the commissions you earned off of your referrals and network. If you’re a club member, you can have your commissions paid out monthly. As a Lifetime Charter Member, your commissions can get paid more frequently at a semi-monthly plan.


On top of your commissions, you also have the chance to earn bonuses. For each person you refer, you not only earn commision but you earn a one time referral bounty. Learn about current bonuses here:

Affiliate marketing is an easy way to earn extra income for something you’re already doing. Decide if you want to be an affiliate and begin building extra income right away.


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Affiliate Marketing

5 Added Benefits of Being an Affiliate for Domain Cost Club

benefits of being an affiliate

Domain Cost Club offers great at-cost pricing for Top Level Domains (TLDs) including classics, like .com, country code TLDs (ccTLDs) and new generic TLDs (gTLDs). All DCC members get to take advantage of this at-cost pricing along with at-cost renewals, replicated sites, and the ability to easily invite your friends to learn more, among other included services. Beyond these personal benefits of being a member, here are a few more benefits of being an affiliate for DCC that you and all other members and “domainers” will get.

1. News of TLD Releases

gTLDs have been gradually released by ICANN, the governing body of the domain industry, since 2008. New are still being released and are released at different set dates. Often times, these new TLDs have special pricing associated with their release. With so many new TLDs being released, it can be hard to keep track of what to wait for next unless you have a reliable news source. Look no further than DCC for your news of TLD releases. Simply navigate to to see what domains are avaialble and what is coming up next, as well as pricing. Anyone has access to this page, so if you know someone interested in getting started with exciting new TLDs, this is a powerful page to share.

2. Domain Transfers

Even if you weren’t lucky enough to originally purchase your domain through DCC, you can still transfer it to DCC for no additional cost. DCC offers all members at-cost transfers with no markup on renewals, unlike other registrars. When it’s time to renew, take advantage of DCC pricing, or get started with an entirely new domain for a great price.

3. Bounties

If someone you tell about DCC decides to become a member, you get what DCC calls a bounty, also known as a commission. Bounties are one-time commissions that reward you each time someone you know signs up to become a member with DCC. Bounties reward you for sharing your smart choice to join DCC with others.

4. Lifetime Membership

Those interested in signing on to be a DCC member can choose from two membership options, the annual Club Membership for $99 per year or the Lifetime Charter Membership for a one-time payment of $499, no need to ever renew again. Both memberships allow you to enjoy at-cost pricing and earn commissions, but anyone seriously interested in buying a selling domains benefits most from the Lifetime Charter Membership. The Charter Membership makes sense if you’re interested in investing seriously in domains, or if you want increased benefits from your membership like semi-monthly bounty payouts and giftable memberships. Charter members also enjoy other unique benefits and will continue to do so for the length of their membership (which is a lifetime!)

5. Wide Opportunity

DCC’s wide selection of TLDs means huge opportunity and flexibility. Try purchasing bundles of cheaper domains or invest in higher market priced domains. The range of pricing and branding options available with DCC’s TLDs provide a wide opportunity for you to invest and have fun!


Ready to Become a DCC Affiliate? Click Below to Learn More!

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Affiliate Marketing Marketing

The Best B2B Sales Technique You’re Not Using

B2B Networking


One thing many B2B sales people seem to forget when pursuing a lead is to stop being a sales person and start being a human. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Would you want to be continually hounded and repeatedly told the benefits of a product that have nothing to do with why you may be interested in using it? You are not a nameless online shopper filling your e-cart with goods. You are a potential client or customer of the business, using the product or service for your business. So, here it is: the best B2B (or business to business) sales technique you’re not using is the delicate process of getting to know your prospect on a genuine level, listening, engaging, and crafting your sales pitch around that specific person’s motivations to buy.

Invite them to participate.

Whether you’re the owner of a marketing agency looking to close a client, or an affiliate marketer looking to close a new member of the team, one of the advantages of trying to close a B2B deal is that it is much more personal and on more of a peer-level than B2C customers. Invite your prospect to grab coffee or even play some golf. Get tickets to a sports game or a concert and invite your potential lead along to enjoy. The type of activity will depend on the value of the lead being closed, but the idea is to get some face-to-face time alone with this prospect.

Ask them questions about themselves.

The number one priority of this “get together” is to genuinely learn about this prospect and what makes them tick. What inspires this person or drives them to work hard? What is their personality type and what do they enjoy doing? By asking people about themselves, even family and general questions that are unrelated to your business will get them to loosen up, trust you a little bit more, and think of you on a more friendly, less “salesy” level.

Practice engaged listening.

Don’t just ask questions and forget to listen to the answers or respond with follow up questions that show you are interested. By sharing openly with you, your prospect will be giving you valuable insight into the kind of person they are, why they may or may not be looking for your services, and what kind of tactics you should be using to close them. Once you listen and learn from them, you will know what may motivate them to sign on the dotted line. For example, let’s say you are a member of the Domain Cost Club, and part of their affiliate marketing program. After speaking with a prospect in depth, you come to realize that the wholesale domain prices are much more important to this person who is constantly purchasing top-level domains than the affiliate program itself. In this case, you will know to change your sales approach.

Perfect the “soft sell.”

The word “sell” should be used extremely lightly in this post, as the whole idea is to listen and engage, instead of sell. Once you have gotten to know your prospect and learned valuable insights as to why they are interested in your product or service, you can begin to describe the benefits as they relate specifically to this person. Give concrete examples based on information they have told you as to why this product or service will work for them, or how much they stand to gain based on what they told you they were looking for, specifically. Relate all information back to the prospect personally and back to how you, yourself found value from this product or service. Whatever you do, do not push yourself or what you are selling on this person in the first meeting. Simply explain the benefits and allow them to reach back out with specific questions.

Check back in.

You will want to re-engage your lead multiple times throughout this process. First, make sure to thank them for their time and follow up with some anecdotal stories you enjoyed speaking about. Or, perhaps you discussed something else you could help them with or that you could do together. Make sure to keep your word and follow-up with any necessary details. After a week or so, you will want to check back in regarding your product or service. Ask your prospect if they need any further information and/or reading material to help them in their decision. Offer to set them up with a current or previous customer that could give them an unbiased opinion.

Create urgency.

At the end of the day, people respond better to making decisions if they feel there is a time constraint attached. If your prospect still hasn’t signed, offer some kind of special deal or discounted membership for one week only. Of course, do not be pushy with this approach, simply let them know you are reaching out in regards to this special, because you know they were interested and this would give them a significant discount (or whatever deal you have offered them.) These kinds of activities will passively encourage the prospect to make the choice and close the deal.

Remember, this approach should continue even after the sale is closed. It is just as important to keep the client or customer once you have closed them. Provide continued support and a consistent communication stream. Your client lists should have a “check-in” calendar in which you take into account the satisfaction level they have in regards to the product or service. This will aid in a high retention rate for your business.

You may think this is an extremely time-consuming process to complete, and you’re right – it is. However, you will close more leads with this approach than you ever will with a “one size fits all,” “throw some stuff at the wall and see what sticks” approach. Time and effort are the marks of a truly successful sales person.


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7 Tips to Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales

increase affiliate marketing sales

Online affiliate marketing can be an incredible way to make money while working from home, simply by building and utilizing your network. However, affiliate marketing requires research, focus and commitment in order to be truly successful.

The following tips will help you hone your affiliate networking craft and starting making sales and earning income more quickly!

1. Build Relationships

Relationships are key to affiliate marketing. Constantly networking, having conversations, and finding ways to help others will be extremely beneficial to you. The more contacts you have, the better. No matter where you are, there is always time to meet someone new, strike up a conversation and build a new contact. Even if the person is not interested in your product, perhaps they know someone that is.

2. Solve a Problem

Is the product you’re selling useful? Does it actually help the customer in some way? Does it save them money or help them in their daily life? Affiliate marketers for Domain Cost Club can use the discounted prices of domains and enormous variety of new TLDs (or Top Level Domains) as one of their top selling points for the product. Purchasing domains from Domain Cost Club will save the customer money. Period.

3. Use Quality Content

Make sure anything you post on website, blog, social media, etc. is quality and can stand the test of time. Don’t post or write about things that don’t matter or will be outdated within a few months. This tip is especially important if you are an affiliate marketer for multiple products. Make sure you are conveying the most important, useful information regarding your products or that you are providing information helpful to your audience.

4. Use the Product

As an affiliate marketer, it’s easy to get a bad rap in the online world – simply by the nature of the business. Make sure you have actually tried and like the product you are selling. People can easily see through a disingenuous sales pitch and will not buy from someone who they don’t trust.

5. Be Honest

Transparency is key in gaining the trust of potential customers. Make sure you mention that you are an affiliate marketer of the product, and give details about how that actually works. Make sure your audience knows that you have indeed used the product, and that you would never endorse something you wouldn’t use yourself.

6. Set Specific Goals

Beginning an affiliate marketing journey without actually sitting down and writing out tangible goals will get you no where. It’s too easy to avoid hitting vague goals or let yourself off the hook if you don’t have real numbers written down. Talk with peers to evaluate realistic, yet challenging goals. Then create a road map to hitting them. You will accomplish more by knowing what it is you have set out to do from the beginning.

7. Be Patient

As mentioned above, success with affiliate marketing doesn’t happen over night. Extensive research regarding the product you are selling is essential. You need to be an authority figure on the subject. Not to mention the long process of building up your network, gaining their trust, and actually closing a deal. However, if you commit to following through, you will no doubt reap the rewards!

Implementing these tips into your daily affiliate marketing routine is sure to help you close more sales and achieve your goals. Make sure you build upon these guidelines each day to get the most out of your experience.

What did we miss? Do you have any top affiliate marketing tips to live by? Let us know in the comment section!


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Affiliate Marketing Marketing

How To Make Money Online: An Introduction To Affiliate Marketing

In the world of Internet Marketing, there are many avenues used to increase brand awareness, generate leads for a company, and drive sales. One of the most common, but underrated, strategies used is “affiliate marketing.” But what is affiliate marketing actually, and how does it benefit you?

Read on to find out.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based program in which a company rewards their affiliates for each customer brought to the business by that specific affiliate. Think of it as a large-scale referral program. Internet-based affiliate marketing is extremely popular for a number of reasons, including its effectiveness at bringing warm leads to a business, the monetary benefits it provides for the affiliates, and the flexibility it usually supports for both the business and the affiliates.

There are many different structures a business can use to reward affiliates, but all of them a directly related to performance. Those that are simply misinformed, and flat out wrong, sometimes incorrectly compare the concept of affiliate marketing to that of ponzi schemes. Affiliate marketing can employ various multilevel marketing tactics, but never anything illegal. If it’s illegal, it is NOT affiliate marketing.

Build A Second Income

earn a second incomeAffiliate marketing is so popular because, as mentioned above, it has incredible earning potential for the affiliates. By putting in the research needed to become an expert in whatever industry the company you are affiliate marketing for, spending time building out your in person and social networks, and honing your sales skills, you could be on your way to securing a hefty secondary, or even primary income.

The great news is that your affiliate income is entirely dependent on your effort. The more you promote the service through your network, content marketing, SEO, social media, etc. – the more money you will make.

The power is in your hands. Utilize affiliate marketing to your advantage and start prospering today.

Give Us An Example

Online membership organizations, like Domain Cost Club, allow you to take advantage of their membership benefits as well as earn secondary income as an affiliate of their services. First, you can become a member of the club to purchase hundreds of domains at wholesale costs. Then, by simply referring people to Domain Cost Club you can start earning commissions as an affiliate. Yes, it’s THAT easy. This video explains more clearly just how easy it is to sign up and start earning extra cash.


Click Below to Become an Affiliate for DCC and Start Earning!
