
6 Sales Practices You Must Continuously Make Time For

Sales Techniques Growth

Working in sales, there are a number of activities which should never be considered “complete”, and should be continuously worked on. The following practices will help you grow and perfect your talent in sales, and in turn close more deals. Putting time and effort into lifelong skill sets will garner you lifelong returns – no matter what it is you are selling.

Are you consistently working on these practices in order to increase your effectiveness?

1. Networking

The most important parts of sales are talking, making connections, and building relationships. Whether you’re selling a product or service, promoting a business, building up an affiliate network, or the like, having a large network of friends, acquaintances and business associates will always benefit you.

2. Building Your Pipeline

Researching exactly who you target audience is, where they are, and what has been working in the past in order to turn prospects into clients or customers is step one in keeping your sales funnel full. Once you know whom you are going after, and what has worked on similar prospects, you can begin to target those in your network that may have interest in your product. Remember, sales cycles vary extensively. Depending on your sales proposition, someone may need to be in the pipeline for two years. So, continuously moving people from stage to stage through the pipeline, and getting new prospects into the pipeline will ensure you always have a target to be working on.

Providing Value3. Providing Value

You can’t continue selling the same thing for years, to the same people, and never make any changes to the value they are getting out of it. Figure out how exactly your product or service actually benefits people, and think of ways to add onto or augment that. Is what you’re selling going to earn that person more money? Is it going to make their life easier in some way? Keep your business relationships strong by making sure your product continues to benefit your customers, and creates value for new customers.

4. Educating

This practice refers to educating yourself and educating others. Never stop reading, observing, and listening to information regarding your industry, customers, and product or service. Learn from those around you who are having success in your business. Depending on what you are selling, make sure your customer understands the product, and continues to learn about that product, and new products your business may develop. Perhaps your product or service has some difficult to understand features, or financial intricacies – blogs and videos are a fantastic way to educate your audience.

5. Honing Your Pitch

Every time you complete a pitch, you should be making notes on what resonated with your audience, how that audience may have been different than another, and what changes you should make. The more times you practice and give your pitch, the more natural it will become. Sometimes however, your pitch should be altered to be more of a networking conversation than the quintessential “elevator pitch” to a customer or investor. Work on different ways to get your point across to various audiences. Over time you will become a master of owning the room, and winning someone over no matter what their starting viewpoint.

6. Garnering Feedback

You can’t always rely on yourself alone to figure out what went right and what went wrong during a pitch. Ask your family, friends, customers or clients that are now advocates what it was that reeled them in, and what almost lost them! Simple tips here and there from peers, your role models in the industry, and even friends and family will help you perfect your sales techniques.

After reading through the tips, it should make total sense why these activities should be ongoing for your entire sales career. There will never be a time that you have finished learning or networking, for example. The more focus and emphasis you put on these activities, the more you will see the benefits of them.

Did we miss anything? What are some sales practices that you continue to build upon day after day and year after year in order to make you a better salesman? Share in the comment section!


Learn How To Make Money Online as a DCC Affiliate!




9 Tips for a Flawless Elevator Pitch

hand shake

If you are in sales, have worked for a startup, or are an entrepreneur, then you have definitely heard the term “elevator pitch.” For those of you that don’t know, an elevator pitch refers to the ability to sell your product or service to someone, and hopefully pique their interest in it, within the time it takes to ride in an elevator with them (less than a minute).  The elevator pitch, which is obviously not always going to happen in an elevator, is useful when explaining your business to an investor, a potential client or customer, or a potential partner.

The truth is, having an elevator pitch prepared when people ask, “what do you do?” is crucial for any person working at any business. You never know when a casual conversation could turn into a business deal, so being prepared when the time comes will most certainly benefit you.

The following 9 tips will help you to convey your “pitch” clearly and concisely, without coming across as a “salesman.”

1. Short and Sweet

As mentioned above, this description of your business needs to be under a minute long, while still being clear about what it is you are offering. Don’t use jargon related to your industry – assume this person knows nothing about your business and spoon-feed them the idea.

For example, if you’re an online marketing agency, don’t say “we have expertise in SEO.” Instead, say “we help businesses get their websites on the first page of Google’s search results.”

2. Clear Benefit

Speak in terms of what this product or service will do for THEM. You will have to tailor this to your audience; whether it is a potential customer or client, a potential partner, or an investor. Regardless, let them know how this product or service will make their life easier, better, or solve a problem for them. Explain this right away in simple terms.

For example, let’s say you are an affiliate marketer for Domain Cost Club, and you are trying to get a potential new member to join. You would want to let them know about the flexibility of working from home, the exponential earning value, and of course the overall value of the DCC membership in terms of discounted domains.

3. Differentiation

So you’ve explained the benefit of the product or service, now it’s time to integrate your unique selling proposition into the pitch and explain why this person should want to buy from or invest in YOU instead of your competitors.

Going back to our example above, there are many companies that offer affiliate marketing programs. You would want to explain why DCC is the best place to become an affiliate marketer. Perhaps you would want to mention how easy it is to get started, the stellar support offered in building your network, or the top-notch level of the actual product you are selling.

Make money with affiliate marketing4. Greed Factor

Everyone wants to make money, and everything relates back to ROI – it’s as simple as that. Quickly explain how your product or service will either make or save this person money. If your business doesn’t directly do that, figure out an indirect way to integrate this concept.

Someone who is potentially interested in an affiliate marketing opportunity, for example, will be most interested in the possibility of, ease of, and length of time it will take to start making money.

5. Credentials

Explain who you are, and your affiliation with this product or service. What do you do for the company and why are you qualified to be speaking about or selling it? This would also be a great time to include some recent success stats.

If you earned $15,000 in your first quarter as an affiliate marketer, that would be a great selling point to a potential new member you are trying to close. Relate to them and let them know you have been where they are.

6. Easy to Join

No one wants to go through a long, overdrawn process to get involved with or join something. If all they have to do is fill out a simple form, some short paperwork, or view a 10-minute slideshow to get started – point that out.

7. Leave them Wanting More

Remember, this first encounter is just a door opener to a more in depth conversation. Keep the upper hand in the conversation and pique their interest just enough for them to want to learn more. The more you talk, the less interest your garner. Stop when you know they seem interested, and then suggest getting together another time to go more in depth or show them more facts and figures.

8. Be Conversational

No one – I repeat, NO ONE – likes to be “sold to”. Do not sell your product, service, or yourself to this other person. Keep it casual and conversational – this works great in a social setting. Get your point across, and don’t push.

9. Practice, Practice, Practice…

You already know practice makes perfect! Practice this elevator pitch on your family and friends. Do they automatically understand the points you’re trying to get across? Would it make them interested in learning more? The more you repeat your key points, the more casual it will come across when this moment occurs in a natural setting.

Including the factors above in your elevator pitch will not guarantee that you get your investment, or close the sale – it is only meant to open the door to a secondary conversation.

With a large focus on #7 and #8, you give yourself the upper hand in this sales-driven conversation. Acting natural, as though you would be helping THEM achieve success by allowing them to participate in your offer will help draw the other person in, and give you leverage to hopefully close the deal in the secondary meeting you are bound to set up!


Earn Money NOW as an Affiliate Marketer!


Work From Home

10 Ways To Be Unbelievably Productive While Working From Home

In this digital era, the amount of ways to make money on the Internet, from the comfort of your own home, are seemingly endless. However, in this game of opportunity, the unproductive, unorganized, and unprepared can be easily left behind.

For example, companies that need affiliate marketing services to help push their products out, will allow you to work, network, and promote from home, then send you your commission payments after they see your results.   Easy as pie, right? Well – as long as you are the type of person who can actually be productive while working from home.

Here are a few tips to ensure your success in getting your work done right on a daily basis:

1. Get Up and Get Ready for “Work”

Even though you’re working from home, pretend that you are actually getting up to go to a job that requires you to be in on time. Set your alarm, get up early, get dressed, work out, and eat breakfast. Create a morning routine that gets you going, and one you stick to day after day.

2. De-clutter

No one likes working in a messy, cluttered environment. It’s distracting and causes anxiety. Make sure your workspace is clean and ready to go by the time you sit down. Have everything you need for the first part of your morning on your desk – notepad, coffee, water, pens, laptop, etc. No excuses to get up and wander around the house.

3. Have a Designated “Office”

This one is VERY important. Designate a room with a desk and a door. Don’t work where you sleep, got it? Close the door, and make sure any family members or family pets nearby know that when the door is closed, it means you are currently operating a business.

4. Make a To-do List by Priority

Make this list every single morning, without fail. Physically write down the projects and tasks you need to complete by the end of the day. Get as granular as “responding to emails”. If it needs to get done, write it down – and prioritize by importance.

5.  Decide on Your “NUMBER ONE” Task for the Day

This “NUMBER ONE” should also be the number one item on your “To-do List”. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world contributed to an article that stated their productivity comes from focusing their day (or week, or quarter, etc.) around ONE specific goal – and not starting another until that one is complete. The mindset being “those who multitask fail – those who focus succeed”.

Productivity work from home6. Book Appointments in Your Calendar for Work and Breaks

Use your “To-do List” to time your activities and tasks throughout the day. Allow time for every activity you need to realistically complete, including posting on social media and lunch. This overall calendar should also be used when scheduling calls and meetings in advance. Then, you should incorporate your daily “To-do List” around your pre-scheduled events.

7. Set Aside Specific Time to Plan and Brainstorm

Rest, freedom, and creativity can actually make you more productive. Set aside time in your calendar for “free thinking”. Use that time to research and plan things, come up with new ideas, and innovate. Just don’t waste that time checking your phone, or changing the laundry.

8. Try Incorporating Theme Days

Some people work best when their entire day revolves around one particular “theme”. For example, let’s say you are an affiliate marketer for Domain Cost Club. Perhaps your Monday is geared towards Cold Calling, Tuesdays are for activities that grow your social media following, Wednesdays are for all activities that support email marketing, Thursdays are for team brainstorming and networking meetings…you get the idea! This concept also lends itself to the “NUMBER ONE” task of the day.


Lock it in a drawer and put it on silent. Don’t open the drawer until the designated time in your calendar for phone checking, and returning calls. Encourage people to schedule calls in advance, so that it is already factored into your schedule for the day.

10. Give Yourself a Grade at the End of Each Day

You will be surprised at how affective this last tip is. Obviously you are on the honor system here, but give it a try. See how many things from your to-do list you accomplished that day. Was everything done to the best of your ability? Are you proud of what you accomplished? Give yourself a letter grade for the day, and see how many “A’s” you can get each week. You could even assign yourself a prize for a good “report card”!

Opportunity for success will never be the issue when it comes to working online from home.  The challenge comes in continually learning your craft to the best of your ability, perseverance, and actually doing the work at hand. Make a conscious effort to try these tips, and see how much more you can accomplish in a day!



Learn How To Make Money Online as a DCC Affiliate!



Why You Should Use Infographics in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Are you a business owner or marketer? Do you want to drive engaged traffic to your website and encourage people to share your branded, unique content? Then you should be integrating Infographics into your content marketing strategy.

For those of you that don’t know what an Infographic is, it’s exactly what it sounds like. It is an image, or graphic, that is filled with information in order to educate an audience on a specific subject. Infographics are an easy way to drive home a point using images, statistics, facts and figures and allows the reader to understand your point within the time it takes to scroll the image.

Why are Infographics so successful for businesses?

Brand Awareness – Infographics are an amazingly effective way to create brand awareness, since your logo and links back to your blog or website will be included in your infographic! As people, and sometimes other businesses, continue to share your content, the more people will see who created it and your brand name and logo.

Brand/Product Promotion – Promoting your infographic multiple times on various platforms is a great way to promote either your brand or a specific product or service (depending on how you create your infographic). You can center the information you put in the infographic around general facts that support the use of your product.

Easy to Educate – Some brands, products, or services take some education and explanation in order to close a sale with a potential customer. For example, Domain Cost Club’s affiliate marketing program is easy to understand, but requires some education as to how affiliate marketing works, how to get involved, and how the payouts are structured to affiliates. An infographic explaining the generally used practices of affiliate marketing would be a great way to explain the benefits to the target audience!

Potential to Become Viral – If your content is eye-catching, relevant, and easily understood, then you can be sure that people are going to share on their social media accounts! Visual content is always shared more than written content, so if you take enough time to make a valuable infographic, many people will promote it for you.

Cost Effective – Infographics are actually fairly easy to learn how to create on your own, if you don’t have a graphic designer on hand, or if you have an extremely limited budget. Websites like Piktochart make creating an infographic super easy for beginners!

What elements make a successful Infographic?Why you should use infographics

Eye-Catching – If someone is quickly scrolling through their social feed, will the top your infographic make them stop and click? Make sure it’s appealing visually, and that the color scheme and images all work together.

Easy to Understand – Don’t include a bunch of facts and figures that the average person won’t be able to digest or relate to. Break it down and make it easily “skimmable”.

Relevant – Make sure it’s a subject that people are curious about, don’t fully understand, and relates to and supports your business goals specifically.

Useful – Include facts that people may not know, and actually care about. Use facts that allow people to take action in some way.

Shareable – Display your content in a compelling an interesting way. Use headlines and images that get your point across in the most easily understood way possible, so that some people could be encouraged to share your infographic without even reading it in depth!

How can Infographics help me as a Domain Cost Club Affiliate?

If you are already a member of Domain Cost Club, and wondering how you can use infographics to help you increase your business, the answer is simple! There are tons of people looking to make legitimate money online, working from home just like you, but have no idea how to do it! Creating an infographic about the benefits of affiliate marketing, and/or Domain Cost Club specifically is a simple way to make people understand how to use the program and how effective it can be at creating an entirely new income stream, if done effectively. Think about our affiliate explanation video, made into an infographic! There are plenty of creative ways to get the point across!



Affiliate Marketing Marketing

How To Make Money Online: An Introduction To Affiliate Marketing

In the world of Internet Marketing, there are many avenues used to increase brand awareness, generate leads for a company, and drive sales. One of the most common, but underrated, strategies used is “affiliate marketing.” But what is affiliate marketing actually, and how does it benefit you?

Read on to find out.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based program in which a company rewards their affiliates for each customer brought to the business by that specific affiliate. Think of it as a large-scale referral program. Internet-based affiliate marketing is extremely popular for a number of reasons, including its effectiveness at bringing warm leads to a business, the monetary benefits it provides for the affiliates, and the flexibility it usually supports for both the business and the affiliates.

There are many different structures a business can use to reward affiliates, but all of them a directly related to performance. Those that are simply misinformed, and flat out wrong, sometimes incorrectly compare the concept of affiliate marketing to that of ponzi schemes. Affiliate marketing can employ various multilevel marketing tactics, but never anything illegal. If it’s illegal, it is NOT affiliate marketing.

Build A Second Income

earn a second incomeAffiliate marketing is so popular because, as mentioned above, it has incredible earning potential for the affiliates. By putting in the research needed to become an expert in whatever industry the company you are affiliate marketing for, spending time building out your in person and social networks, and honing your sales skills, you could be on your way to securing a hefty secondary, or even primary income.

The great news is that your affiliate income is entirely dependent on your effort. The more you promote the service through your network, content marketing, SEO, social media, etc. – the more money you will make.

The power is in your hands. Utilize affiliate marketing to your advantage and start prospering today.

Give Us An Example

Online membership organizations, like Domain Cost Club, allow you to take advantage of their membership benefits as well as earn secondary income as an affiliate of their services. First, you can become a member of the club to purchase hundreds of domains at wholesale costs. Then, by simply referring people to Domain Cost Club you can start earning commissions as an affiliate. Yes, it’s THAT easy. This video explains more clearly just how easy it is to sign up and start earning extra cash.


Click Below to Become an Affiliate for DCC and Start Earning!


Domain Cost Club

First 5 Things To Do After Joining DCC

So, you’ve taken the plunge and completed your membership with Domain Cost Club…now what? The following list will help you hit the ground running and ensure you have a successful relationship with DCC.

1. Take a look around Domain Cost Club:

Once you have secured your spot in Domain Cost Club with your membership purchase, we suggest you click around in your member’s area at on the website to become familiar with your DCC account. Spend some time getting familiar with the features and your fellow members.

2. Search for a few new domains:

Check out how much you and your prospects can save on domains when asked! Our users save an average of $20 per domain. Maybe you’ll find a great domain you need right now, or you may need some time to think about domains you would like – in which case searching for domains can help with ideas.

Domain Cost Club Learning3. Learn everything you can about Domain Cost Club:

Head over to the affiliates page and watch our explanation of membership video a few times. Study the info on the Affiliates page and become an expert on the subject. Having expert knowledge on a subject matter makes it a lot easier to explain the valuable benefits of being a Domain Cost Club Member to someone else!

4. Purchase a domain:

Find something that suits you! With over 175 Top Level Domain extensions available at Domain Cost Club, there is definitely something for EVERYONE! People new to domain names may not initially know what they want, that’s why we suggest you search for some domains immediately after purchasing your membership.

5. Start Marketing:

Share your knowledge of Domain Cost Club with anyone you know looking to save money on domains and/or earn secondary income by sharing the DCC opportunity. You can use the sharing tool found on the Dashboard page in your member’s area to share via email or various social networks. Club Members can always refer prospects to in order to get credit for their referrals. Be sure to pass on this info to all of your signups so they can get off to a great start with Domain Cost Club, just like you!

There is vast opportunity to grow your DCC membership into a thriving income stream, if you take the correct preliminary steps. Whether you’re a seasoned salesman, or a complete beginner to affiliate marketing, use the resources we’ve made available at your disposal to help yourself. Remember to stay focused, keep learning, and feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.


Haven’t joined yet? Click below to get started!





DCC $400,000 Launch Bonus Challenge

If you attended the webinar on Tuesday night are aware of the $400,000 Launch Bonus Challenge we announced. If you haven’t heard yet, we have some exciting news! Here’s a rundown of the details for everyone.

Now open to ALL Members, Charter AND Club!

Due to overwhelming popularity since I announced it, the Launch Bonus Challenge is being made available to all Charter and Club Members. You no longer have to be a Charter Member in order to participate!

How much can I earn?

The first 20 Members to complete the Launch Bonus Challenge will earn $10,000 each with the opportunity to double that amount for a total of $20,000 each.

How long do I have to complete the Launch Bonus Challenge?

The $400,000 Launch Bonus Challenge will run from now until December 31, 2014 at 11:59:59 PM PST or whenever the 20th Member achieves their 500th qualifying referral, whichever comes first.

What do I have to do?

Directly refer 500 new DCC customers who purchase a Membership before the Launch Bonus Challenge ends.

Do the signups I already referred count towards the Launch Bonus Challenge?

Yes! All your DCC direct referrals for new customers with active Memberships since we launched will count.

Which signups count towards the Launch Bonus Challenge?

All new DCC customers you refer who purchase either a $499 lifetime Charter Membership or a $99 annual Club Membership this year will count.

Will anything not count?

Cancelled Memberships, multiple accounts for the same person or entity, and fraudulent accounts.

What about commission and bounties?

They will not be affected by the Launch Bonus Challenge. All winning amounts will be paid in addition to your normal commission and bounties.

Meet me in person for a live check signing

The first 10 Members to complete the Launch Bonus Challenge will receive a $10,000 check from me. I will visit anywhere in the United States to meet with you and sign your $10,000 check in person. You’re welcome to record the signing for use in your future promotional efforts! International Members who earn one of the first 10 bonuses can meet me anywhere in the United States for a personal visit, too.

The next 10 Members to complete the Launch Bonus Challenge will receive a $10,000 check from me, but without the personal visit and signing.

Let me DOUBLE that bonus for you!

As an added incentive, all 20 Launch Bonus Challenge winners have an exclusive opportunity to have their $10,000 turned into $20,000. Throughout the month of January, we will audit all qualifying referrals for the winners. For each winner, if at least 500 qualifying referrals who signed up in 2014 remain in good standing as of January 31, 2015, I will authorize another $10,000 to be wired to that winner in February.

Nothing will make me happier than to pay out the full $400,000 we’re allocating for this challenge. I want to pay it all out! Will you be able to do it? I believe you can.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Alan Ezeir
President and Co-Founder
Domain Cost Club (DCC)


Listen to the audio recording of the webinar HERE!

Domain Cost Club

Domain Cost Club

Why You Should Join Domain Cost Club

What is Domain Cost Club?

Welcome to Domain Cost Club, the very first domain registrar to provide domain names to you at cost. After years of registrars selling domain names the same way, our goal is to become a new, better type of domain registrar for the purchaser.

How Does it Work?

Purchase our $99 annual membership, Shop the warehouse, Get unlimited domains at wholesale prices, it’s easy!

By becoming a Domain Cost Club member, you are now eligible to purchase any domain name in our warehouse for the same price that GoDaddy, or any ICANN accredited registrar does. You can purchase new domain registrations, renewals,  and transfers – as many as you like, and no silly “coupon codes” to remember.

As the Internet continues to grow, more domain extensions are being released, in order to better suit the interests of the purchaser. So, why is this an important opportunity? As many of the early .com investors will tell you (i.e. “”, “”) the long-term potential payout for getting on board early is exponential. Imagine being the first to buy what are sure to be valuable domain names at wholesale prices, and selling them for upwards of six figures!

Because you are paying wholesale prices, instead of the normal 300% markup that other domain registrars charge, after about 3-4 domain purchases, you have already paid for your membership! Investing now can provide your success for the future.

What’s in the “Warehouse” of Domains?

In addition to the ever important “.com”, “.net”, and “.org”, our warehouse also includes an endless list of newly available domain extensions that actually represent your interests or your business, like “.guru”, “.blog”, and “.shop”. Descriptive domain extensions like this can be extremely valuable for you, or to someone else that will want to purchase it from you in the future!

earn a second income as an affiliateEarn a Second Income as a DCC Affiliate!

The best part about this membership? You can earn enough referral fees and commissions to earn a full time second income! By becoming a Domain Cost Club affiliate, and building out a network of engaged DCC members, you can easily earn both fast cash AND residual income.

Referring DCC standard and charter memberships are worthwhile and earn you direct payouts. Commissions are paid to you for your referrals, and the referrals of the seven other levels in your network, without you lifting a finger!

Becoming a Domain Cost Club affiliate is truly an unlimited income business opportunity. As an affiliate, you truly have the opportunity to earn anywhere from a few thousand dollars of extra spending cash, to upwards of six figures, if your network is completely active.

Learn in more detail about the affiliate program and potential earnings in this easy to follow 5 minute video.

So, Why Should I Join?

We’ll give you five great reasons:

  1. Wholesale prices on new domain purchases, renewals, and transfers to Domain Cost Club
  2. Endless warehouse of newly added domain extensions
  3. Easy to use and effective
  4. Incredible way to earn a second income
  5. Potential for large future payouts on valuable domain names


Click Below to Join NOW!
