
10 Reasons We Love gTLDs



Domain Cost Club is built on the accessibility that generic top level domains (gTLDs) give the domain world. How do these gTLDs work? In the early days of TLD, countries around the world were each granted their own TLD, usually an abbreviation of their country name. These are referred to as ccTLDs. People had the ability to buy the ccTLD for their country or purchase another top level domain (TLD) like .org or .com. With such few options, pricing was high for these domains and the options to creatively brand were low. In recent years, the governing body of the domain industry, ICANN, began releasing generic domains, gTLDs, opening up the domain industry and internet like ever before. Still not convinced why you should be interested in these gTLDs?

Here are a few reasons we love them:

1. Branding

gTLDs give you the option to brand your entire web address, not just the root domain. With the right TLD you can brand your domain as “” rather than just This allows for a shorter domain and tells your website visitor what your site is all about before even hitting your landing page. Consider all the ways you can brand your business or yourself now that you don’t have to work around (or pay for!) .com.

2. Price

gTLDs are available for yearly registration for varying amounts. A browse around the DCC website shows that we offer domains for just a few dollars per year to closer to $100 per year. But despite some of these prices, most gTLDs are less expensive than .coms. Additionally, gTLDs let you experiment in the domain world without breaking your budget.

3. Fun

Have fun with gTLDs like .ninja, .coffee, and .flowers. These domains let you brand your business or just have fun! There’s nothing fun or special about .com, but unique gTLDs let you have fun with your domain and connect with your website visitors in a new way.

4. Possibilities

What ending are you interested in for a gTLD? Chances are, it exists. If you’re looking for just the right branding or the domain name that will get stuck in everyone’s head, look to gTLDs to fill those needs. Don’t feel locked in by a few choices between .org and .com, with gTLDs the possibilities are nearly endless. Even better, you can buy many of the gTLDs right through DCC. DCC is where possibility and access meet for these great gTLDs.

5. Access

Thanks to their price point and sheer number of possibilities, many people have access to gTLDs. This means you have the opportunity to do business with and share domains with many people. Build your portfolio with less expensive domains and help others get started by purchasing their new gTLDs through you. Or, share with others the great pricing available through DCC and get them started on their path to building a portfolio–while earning a bounty yourself!

6. Memorability

Unique and fun gTLDs can often transform into memorable domain names. Having .com at the end of your web address can make it forgettable. With the right gTLD, like .digital or .marketing you can make your web address even more memorable without having to do additional work.


Don’t Waste Any Time! Join the Club to Get Access to These Unique gTLDs NOW!

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How to Choose A Good Domain Name or TLD

how to choose a good domain name BL

Purchasing a domain name through DCC can be a great investment, so you want to be sure you’re choosing the right one for your needs. But how do you know what makes a good domain name for yourself or others? Read our tips below to help you make the right domain name investing choice or to learn how to choose the best domain name for yourself.


How do you plan to use this domain? If you’re interested in using it for your own business, think of how the domain will best represent your business. If your business is a pizza place named Rudy’s, consider the domain name that includes Rudy’s and pizza like or These kind of domain names promote your business. However, if you want to purchase a domain name to sell, consider something more generic like or . The use of the domain you’re buying will play a large part in the naming of it.


DCC offers you a large number of top level domains that are newly available. These are the kind of domains that unlike .com and .net are descriptive and give website visitors a better idea of the site they are navigating to. DCC offers all kinds of TLDs, so it’s up to you whether you want a domain name that lives at a .com or something more descriptive like .money or .science. Of course, you can buy domains at multiple TLDs through DCC, so it may be best to buy some more traditional .coms and experiment with other TLDs to see which you are more interested in.


How are you going to use this domain? Will you be using it at all or just looking to sell it down the road? Considering the application of this domain will go into your choices of domain name. If you’re building a portfolio, do research on popular domain names and see what these domains names often sell for. If you’re using the site for yourself, do your keyword research. What keywords are popular in your industry and will get people to your domain?

Spelling, Grammar, Homophones

Domain names aren’t forever, but that doesn’t mean you should be sloppy with them! When choosing your domain name, be careful of accidental misspellings. Some companies get creative with the spelling of their name, but that only works if it’s intentional. Spellcheck everything you plan to include in your domain name and get a few other opinions on it  before you purchase. The same goes for grammar and homophones.

Homophones are one of those things you learned in elementary school but didn’t think you would need, but you do now! Homophones are words that are spelled differently but sound the same, so watch out for “to” two” and “too” or “our” and “are”. Be sure you are using the version of the word you want in your domain and get a second opinion before you buy!


Ready to Choose the Perfect Domain?

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What is a Domain Name? Why Should I Get One?

What is a domain name


The domain industry can be intimidating–first starting with all the vocabulary. We’ve created a post with some common domain vocabulary, but in this post we want to focus on domain names, what they are, and why you need them.

Look up to the top of your browser, do you see that address that starts with http? That is your domain name–sort of. You may know this as a URL and while a domain name is sometimes a URL that is not always the case. Thoroughly confused? A domain name is the actual name of the website whereas a URL can contain that name, but also other words. For example, is a domain name. That is the official and main domain of that website, while is a URL that contains the domain name Think of a domain name as the main part of a website and usually where you start.

So why do you need a domain name? Think of all the reasons you visit domains each day–to look at a restaurant menu, buy something from a website, learn more about a business. All this information can be found at domain names. Domains are a great way for you to brand yourself or build your business.

Buy for You

If you have a restaurant, you run a business, or you want to share your knowledge, you need a domain name for yourself. This is a way for people to find you online. So purchase a domain that suits you, like www.Mikes.Restaurant and start building.

Build a Portfolio

If you dont have an immediate need for a domain, it’s easy to see that others do. So start building a domain portfolio. Explore the new TLDs and see which drive traffic and make the most sense for you to own.


Get a Domain Name for Wholesale Pricing NOW!

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Domains New TLDs

5 Reasons You Should Use a Descriptive Domain Over a .COM

What’s one of the most important first steps you need to take as a new business owner in this digital era? That’s right, making a website geared at sharing information about your business and generating leads. When deciding on your website domain, the most common TLD (or, “Top Level Domain”) chosen right now is the .COM – simply because it is the most well known.

Here are 5 reasons you should ditch the .com, and move on to the new wave of internet marketing with descriptive TLDs:

1. Increases Branding

In the past, a business owner may have purchased “”, which may seem a bit long and hard to remember for most of us. Perhaps “” was taken, or too expensive. By increasing the length, and changing the meaning to locals who know this place as “John’s Coffee”, the owner isn’t doing himself any favors in the branding department. New TLDs like “.shop” or “.coffee” might be the perfect way to keep the brand integrity for his local shop. “” or “” allows this business owner to advertise and continue his branding efforts just through his domain name. When you secure your extremely accurate, memorable, and concise domain name, you are building your brand!

2. Less Expensive

New TLDs have opened up an entirely new set of domain real estate that most people would not be able to secure without paying a hefty price tag. Domain registrars like Domain Cost club offer hundreds of new TLDs to consumers at cost! That means you pay exactly what it costs to purchase your domain name, with no registrar markups, and nothing more.

New Top Level Domain Extensions3. Increases Possibilities

New TLDs give you the opportunity to get creative, and the possibilities really are endless. From domains that begin with your brand and end with your industry (i.e. “”) to domains that allow you to take advantage of a slogan or catchphrase (i.e. “” or “”), you can ensure you choose a domain that is catchy and beneficial for your business. Hundreds are already available, and more are being added every day! You could even try multiple domains and test market with each of them – although, be sure to have your other domains 301 redirect to your main site so it gets credit for the traffic.

4. Easy SEO

If you want a better search ranking in Google, your domain name needs to be directly related to content on your site. By using descriptive keywords and TLDs within your domain, and having matching content on your website once someone clicks, you will be building SEO for your website without even trying! In other words, if your site is called “”, make sure your site content isn’t about dry cleaning – Google will not rank you very high in the search results and you won’t benefit from that potential traffic.

5. Top of Mind

With so many options for creativity with these new TLDs, you have the opportunity to give your business the best chance at success. Choosing a domain name that is rich in keywords, is easy to remember, and perfectly describes your business will make current customers more likely to remember it, and new customers more likely to understand what your site is about before they even click on it!

Times have changed, people. Gone are the days that one must lower the effectiveness and branding of their business because all of the best .COM domain names are taken, or too expensive. Now there is a better option. Hundreds of new TLDs being offered are actually more descriptive, more effective, and less expensivethan any .COM name you could choose!

TLDs as descriptive as “.boutique”, “.guru”, and “.events” and as specific as “.blackfriday” or “.engineer” are available at DCC to help brand your business right now! The only thing left to do is reserve your domain and start generating leads for your business.



Join DCC Now to Buy Your New TLD at COST!



13 Tips for Choosing a Domain Name That Increases Traffic

Choosing the right domain name is one of the most important steps to ensuring your business’ online success. Your domain name matters immensely for branding purposes, direct traffic to your site, referral traffic to your site, and many more reasons! If you are just about to launch a new website for a business, or even for a personal blog, read on to find out how to pick the perfect name.

1. Make Sure the Domain is Consistent with Your Brand

The first decision you will have to make is if you are simply choosing your already existing brand name as the domain. Plain and simple – (i.e.,, etc.) Or, are you going to choose a more creative domain that incorporates some keywords with the brand name – i.e. instead of just Either way, make sure that your domain accurately represents your brand, what you are selling, or what your business consists of.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

Consumers are bombarded enough as it is with brand names, keywords, and marketing info. Make it as easy as possible for them to remember and type in your domain name. The shorter, and catchier you can make it – the better.

3. Make it Catchy

Have a marketers mind – stand out from the crowd. You know those songs or jingles you just can’t get out of your head? Or those infomercials that you know every word to? That’s how you want to think. There are so many domain names out there, in the same industry, try to be different. For example, there are millions of ecommerce women’s clothing websites out there:,, (what do they all really mean?). The one that sticks out in your mind because it’s so out there? – that domain will make people wonder and click

4. Use Keywords if Possible

Making your domain name SEO friendly will have huge advantages for your site traffic. While keeping it as short and easy to remember as possible, including a keyword with your brand could help drive organic search traffic to you. For example, if you are selling eco-friendly pool cleaning products, you might want to choose something like “” or “”. This way, you will be returned high in the results for someone searching “green pool supplies”, etc.

New gTLD5. Choose the Right Domain Extension

Get a TLD extension that suits your idea for the domain, it’s no longer necessary to pick your TLD from a few generic extensions – (like .COM or .NET) For example, let’s say you’re a local coffee shop looking to increase organic search traffic on Google. Choosing a name like “SeattleBrewCoffee.Shop” is likely to be much less competitive, capture more local searches, and increase the visibility of your site. New TLDs are growing and being added everyday. There is a large advantage to being a first mover on an enormous up and coming trend like unique domain extensions (i.e. .CITY, .CASH, .CLUB, . HEALTHCARE). You can even find registrars that sell new TLDs for lower prices than anywhere else, like Domain Cost Club.

6. Be Creative

Sometimes the domain name you want just isn’t available – get creative and choose something even better! Your favorite domain name being taken may actually give you a reason to think outside the box and choose a name that sounds even better and stands out from the rest.

7. Make it intuitive

Make your domain easy to type – don’t use purposeful misspellings. This info is also useful for choosing your brand name in general. Many people think it’s clever to purposefully misspell a word similar to their brand name in order to be unique, but this can sometimes confuse consumers, and make it difficult to remember. For example, go for “” over “” – who knows if there is already a Pizza shop that spells it correctly and receives some of your traffic!

8. Don’t Choose a Name Too Close to Someone Else’s

Taking the time to research and make sure that your name isn’t one letter off from a competitor is going to do you a lot of good in the future. Making sure your domain name is original enough to not be confused with another brand or company will not only increase legitimate traffic to your site, but may also help you avoid any legal issues.

9. Don’t Use Random Characters

Using things like dashes or hyphens can get tricky. Generally, someone is not going to take the time to remember where a character other than a letter goes within your web address. Make it easier on them and just leave it out – EVEN if your first choice of domain names was taken, and this is the only way to get it. Refer to #6.

10. Purchase Multiple Domains for the Same Brand

Don’t let someone infringe upon the brand you’ve created for yourself by creating a very similar domain name with a different extension or misspelling. Buy all domains associated with your account to prevent any confusion and/or fraud.

11. Try Rhyming or Alliteration

This might help you take care of some of the tips above. Rhyming or alliteration makes the human mind remember more easily, and makes a brand name catchier. For example, doesn’t or have a nice ring to them for a website that sells dance clothing and costumes?

12. Take Timing into Consideration

Search for some domains/terms and then take a break for a bit. Performing multiple searches spread out over a day or two might help to generate ideas instead of sitting down and attempting to search for and purchase all at once. Keep in mind though, if you find a great domain it may not be available the next time your search for it.

13. Don’t Forget About a Blog!

Blogs and content marketing are one of the best tactics out there right now to drive traffic to your website, and nurture leads into making a purchase. Sharing of useful information through blog posts is the best way to gain a potential customer’s and move them down the sales funnel. Once you find the best domain name, make sure you purchase a blog at your domain to go along with it!   The perfect domain name goes hand in hand with making your website easier to find, and increasing traffic. In conjunction with a well-written blog of the same domain, you give yourself and your business the best chance at being a successful online brand. Be sure to buy your domain at so you’re able to get at-cost pricing on the registration and future renewals. You don’t want to have to worry about high priced renewals next year when your successful site is up and running!


Buy Your New Domain Now!
