
What is a Domain Name? Why Should I Get One?

What is a domain name


The domain industry can be intimidating–first starting with all the vocabulary. We’ve created a post with some common domain vocabulary, but in this post we want to focus on domain names, what they are, and why you need them.

Look up to the top of your browser, do you see that address that starts with http? That is your domain name–sort of. You may know this as a URL and while a domain name is sometimes a URL that is not always the case. Thoroughly confused? A domain name is the actual name of the website whereas a URL can contain that name, but also other words. For example, is a domain name. That is the official and main domain of that website, while is a URL that contains the domain name Think of a domain name as the main part of a website and usually where you start.

So why do you need a domain name? Think of all the reasons you visit domains each day–to look at a restaurant menu, buy something from a website, learn more about a business. All this information can be found at domain names. Domains are a great way for you to brand yourself or build your business.

Buy for You

If you have a restaurant, you run a business, or you want to share your knowledge, you need a domain name for yourself. This is a way for people to find you online. So purchase a domain that suits you, like www.Mikes.Restaurant and start building.

Build a Portfolio

If you dont have an immediate need for a domain, it’s easy to see that others do. So start building a domain portfolio. Explore the new TLDs and see which drive traffic and make the most sense for you to own.


Get a Domain Name for Wholesale Pricing NOW!

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Domains Promotions

Adult Branded Domain Promotions

Adult Branded Domain Promotions


The adult industry is big business on the Internet. Countless searches every day include adult keywords, many of the most trafficked websites are adult themed, and now there are several new top level domain extensions launching to target that traffic. The registry for .XXX is launching .ADULT and .PORN in May 2015, and is doing so with deep promotional discounts. Domain Cost Club will pass those discounts on to you, courtesy of our at-cost pricing.

[tboot_table strip=”yes” border=”yes” condense=”yes” hover=”yes” cols=”Top Level Domain,Regular Price,Promotional Price” data=”.XXX,$62/yr,Only $12 for the first year during April!,.ADULT,$62/yr,Only $12 for the first year during Domain Matching from May 6th-31st!,.PORN,$62/yr,Only $12 for the first year during Domain Matching from May 6th-31st!”][/tboot_table]

.XXX domain owners get dibs on the matching string in .PORN and .ADULT before those names become available to the general public. The “Domain Matching” window gives existing .XXX holders (as of April 30, 2015) a priority registration opportunity from May 6th – May 31st. All you need to do to be eligible for this special is own your .XXX domain by April 30, 2015. The matching domains have to be from the same registrar as the .XXX registration, so if you already own a .XXX you need to transfer it to DCC asap.

If you’ve ever considered profiting from adult traffic, now is the perfect time to buy in. Grab some .XXX domains at an 80% discount during April, then do the same for .ADULT and .PORN in May!


Join the Domain Cost Club NOW to Get At-Cost Pricing!

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What is Wholesale? Part 2

What is wholesale


In Part One of “What is Wholesale” we explained how wholesale pricing works in a general way with easy to understand examples. Now that you have an idea of how wholesale pricing works, lets discuss how it works for the domain industry. If you’ve watched the DCC video, then you know DCC is a domain registrar, which is an organization that sells domains.

Read on to learn what role DCC plays in the wholesale domain world and how best to take advantage of this.

Domain Name RegistrIES

A domain registry is not the same thing as a domain registrar, which can be very confusing since the phrases sound so similar. DCC is a domain registrar.

So what is a domain registry? A domain registry is the database of all domain names and their registrant information. A registry essentially holds many top-level domains (TLDs) waiting for someone to come along and buy them. (Remember, TLDs are domain endings like .com, .ws, .org.) These registries fit in the chain as the wholesaler or distributor. Think back to part one and the role the wholesaler plays.

Domain Name RegistrAR

So if a registry holds TLDs, that’s where you should go to buy them, right? Wrong. Just like you cannot buy directly from a Coca Cola factory, you can’t buy directly from a registry. Registries, like the Coca Cola factory, operate in big bulk orders. Thats where the domain registrar comes in. A registrar purchases many TLDs to then sell to you, the consumer. Since the registrar just paid a price for these TLDs and wants to generate revenue, they will try to sell these TLDs for more than they paid for. Now think back to part one of our “What is wholesale?” post. This kind of behavior and place in the chain make the registrar the retailer. Which means you are the next level in the chain–the consumer.

Customer/ Member

Now it’s time for you to jump in. You want a TLD and you can’t buy it directly from the registry, so you have no choice but to buy from a domain registrar at a marked up price. This means paying more for the exact same thing a registrar paid much less for.

That is, unless, you’re a member of Domain Cost Club. Domain Cost Club offers TLDs at the wholesale price–no mark up. All you need to do is become a member to enjoy these at cost benefits. DCC also has a robust referral program. This program gives you a chance to earn cash from DCC for referring your friends. That means with enough referrals, your membership can essentially be free or you can even make money. Now you’re getting the wholesale pricing or even cheaper!



Now that you know how wholesale pricing works in domains and TLDs, go get your domains!

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What is Wholesale? Part I

what is wholesale


You’ve probably heard of wholesale pricing before and not thought much about it. Flyers will promote wholesale pricing at certain club membership grocery stores or vitamin companies might shout at you during a commercial about wholesale prices. But what is wholesale pricing? The most important thing to know is wholesale pricing is a money saving opportunity. There’s a reason you hear about it a lot in commercials—it’s something to shout about. So you know wholesale pricing is good, but how good and what are the benefits for you?

Read on to learn more.

Wholesale by Definition

Wholesaling refers to the sale from merchandisers to retailers. Think of this as your favorite grocery store buying oranges for them to sell to you. The grocery store is the retailer and the farm that grew the oranges is the merchandiser. The retailer pays a certain amount to the merchandiser for all of these oranges. The retailer of course wants to make a little money when they sell  those oranges to you, so the retailer is going to sell them to you for more than they bought them for. The wholesale price that the retailer paid for those oranges is much cheaper than what you, the customer, will pay in store.

Passing the Bargain to You

Now think of how much cheaper those oranges would be if you could get them directly from the merchandiser (remember, the merchandiser is the farm). This is how we pass the discount of Domain Cost Club on to you. Our prices are at the wholesale level with no markup, which means a great discount for you.

How do we do this?

No Middle Man

We’ve cut out the middle man. In our example of the orange farm, retailer, and you, we explained that the retailer needs to mark up those oranges so they can make a nice profit. Not so with Domain Cost Club. We’ve cut out that retailer and the markup that comes with it. The price for your domain is at cost. You pay what we pay, no markup.

Why Membership

Your membership is what ensures that we can keep bringing domain prices to you at cost. This is just how those wholesale grocery stores work, your yearly or one time membership allows you access to prices that are normally reserved for big retailers. Your membership guarantees you access to the best prices in the business. But unlike those big wholesale grocery stores, there’s one more way to keep your costs low, make your membership free, or even make money from your membership.

Sharing Wholesale Deals

When you get a good deal, you want to tell all your friends, right? What if you could benefit from these referrals? With Domain Cost Club you can. Each time you refer a friend who becomes a member and gets the same great deals you do, you will get a minimum of $25. As you refer more friends you stand the chance to make more money. By just referring 3-4 friends, you can have the cost of the Club Member membership completely covered for you. Learn more about affiliate rewards.


Now that you know how wholesale works, start saving!

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Domains and Registrars and ICANN, Oh My! Domain Vocabulary and History

domain history


It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the vocabulary associated with domains and websites. Thankfully we are here to help and offer you some easy to understand definitions you won’t find anywhere else. Study this domain jargon and you’ll be feeling like a whiz in no time. Consider bookmarking this post, it will be helpful to revisit.


Top level domains (TLD) are the fancy name for what you see at the end of your URL bar. This is .com, .ws, .net and myriad other names. The domain is partly a home to your website and partly a tail that your domain can’t shake. That TLD will be at the end of your website no matter what pages you add to it.

Country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)

This refers to domains that were originally assigned to countries. These domains are two letters long and were assigned to countries starting nearly 30 years ago. Examples of this are .us (United States), .uk (United Kingdom), and .au (Australia).

Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD)

These are the domains you see most commonly in your browser like .com, .org, .net and .ws. These are the original general purpose domains thats were assigned for people to use for their website outside of ccTLDs. Now they are the most common. Starting in 2013, ICANN began releasing TLDs never before imagined for public use. Now domains like .pizza, .website have joined the ranks of generic top level domains.

Domain Registrar

A domain registrar is a company or organization that essentially manages the reservation of a specific group of names, like. org or .ws. A domain name registrar can manage several different domain names, which is why you can have access to multiple domains through one domain name registrar. However, each different domain grouping is a separate registry. So .coms are one registry, .ws and .org another. Thanks to ICANN, domain registrars have access to these different registries.


Domain name registries started to pop up in the 1990s, but unlike today they were able to put somewhat of a monopoly on the market. You could only get certain domains from certain registries. To combat this, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was formed and forced the creation of a shared registration system, which allows multiple domain name registrars to sell the same domains. So many domain name registrars could offer .coms, .nets, and other top level domains.

Domain Wholesaler

You can see that domains and domain registries is a fairly regulated industry. As such, all domain registrars buy domains at exactly the same price from registries. But for domain registrars to make a profit, they have to charge you, the consumer, a higher price. However, a domain wholesaler like Domain Cost Club offers you domains for the same price they pay for them from registries. You just need to join the club.


Looking to get wholesale pricing on hundreds of domains? Click below!

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