Global Domains International

A DCC Global Domains International History Brief

Global Domains International History


GDI History

Global Domains International was launched in 1999 by Alan Ezeir and Michael Starr. The founders of GDI had the foresight to see beyond the restricted world of .COM and wanted to gain another top level domain (TLD) for use by people like you. Ezeir and Starr decided on the TLD of .WS, which stands for website and many other branded names.

In the early days of TLD, countries around the world were each granted their own  TLD, usually an abbreviation of the country name. As such .WS was the TLD of Western Samoa. GDI’s founders worked with the government of Western Samoa to secure .WS for use with GDI. GDI launched as an opportunity for people to have their own branded domain for life at .WS. The average consumer could never afford an expensive .COM, but .WS opened personalized domain names to everyone at an affordable price. In addition, GDI launched many support tools to build out the website at those domains as well as an affiliate marketing opportunity. To this day you can secure your .WS and more through GDI and earn income.

Domain Cost Club

Much like Ezeir and Starr predicted, .COM  is becoming less and less powerful while personalized TLDs are now becoming a hot commodity. Starting in 2013, ICANN began releasing TLDs never before imagined for public use. Think of .attorney, .pizza, and .website to name a few. These TLDs give the opportunity to brand your website in a whole new way.

Domain Cost Club was launched to bring these TLDs to you at the lowest price possible. All you have to do is become a member and you can have any number of these TLDs at cost—no markup! Now you can uniquely brand your business or businesses with any number of exciting top level domains. You can also become a DCC affiliate and work to offset your membership cost and make additional income.

The Connection

As you can see, GDI and DCC were both founded by the same people, Alan Ezeir and Michael Starr. In 1999 they saw the potential of opening the world of TLDs to buyers like you and as the landscape of TLDs changed, they are doing it again. GDI is still a great way to secure your Internet Address for Life as well as some great support tools to build out your website. DCC is a wonderful way to get into investing in domains and being ahead of the curve as the world of TLDs once again changes forever.



Join the Club and start Earning TODAY!

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What is Wholesale? Part 2

What is wholesale


In Part One of “What is Wholesale” we explained how wholesale pricing works in a general way with easy to understand examples. Now that you have an idea of how wholesale pricing works, lets discuss how it works for the domain industry. If you’ve watched the DCC video, then you know DCC is a domain registrar, which is an organization that sells domains.

Read on to learn what role DCC plays in the wholesale domain world and how best to take advantage of this.

Domain Name RegistrIES

A domain registry is not the same thing as a domain registrar, which can be very confusing since the phrases sound so similar. DCC is a domain registrar.

So what is a domain registry? A domain registry is the database of all domain names and their registrant information. A registry essentially holds many top-level domains (TLDs) waiting for someone to come along and buy them. (Remember, TLDs are domain endings like .com, .ws, .org.) These registries fit in the chain as the wholesaler or distributor. Think back to part one and the role the wholesaler plays.

Domain Name RegistrAR

So if a registry holds TLDs, that’s where you should go to buy them, right? Wrong. Just like you cannot buy directly from a Coca Cola factory, you can’t buy directly from a registry. Registries, like the Coca Cola factory, operate in big bulk orders. Thats where the domain registrar comes in. A registrar purchases many TLDs to then sell to you, the consumer. Since the registrar just paid a price for these TLDs and wants to generate revenue, they will try to sell these TLDs for more than they paid for. Now think back to part one of our “What is wholesale?” post. This kind of behavior and place in the chain make the registrar the retailer. Which means you are the next level in the chain–the consumer.

Customer/ Member

Now it’s time for you to jump in. You want a TLD and you can’t buy it directly from the registry, so you have no choice but to buy from a domain registrar at a marked up price. This means paying more for the exact same thing a registrar paid much less for.

That is, unless, you’re a member of Domain Cost Club. Domain Cost Club offers TLDs at the wholesale price–no mark up. All you need to do is become a member to enjoy these at cost benefits. DCC also has a robust referral program. This program gives you a chance to earn cash from DCC for referring your friends. That means with enough referrals, your membership can essentially be free or you can even make money. Now you’re getting the wholesale pricing or even cheaper!



Now that you know how wholesale pricing works in domains and TLDs, go get your domains!

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