
5 Email Marketing Content Ideas for Domains

Email Marketing Content Ideas


Email marketing is a great way to connect with your customers and potential customers. Done right, email marketing can be cost effective and reach the right people. Email marketing is also a great tool for the domain world. By communicating with your customers and potential customers through email, you’ve already got one piece of the puzzle figured out–your potential clients are already online and connected. Below we share some tips for email marketing for the domain world, but before you read on, remember the double opt-in requirement for sending marketing emails. People you send this type of email to must agree to receive them using a double opt-in system. This means they submit their email address first to receive them, and then using a confirmation link or manually responding to an email you send, they confirm that they do, in fact, want to receive emails. Not adhering to these rules can get your emails quickly marked as spam, and make your email marketing campaign a waste of time.

An important part of any marketing campaign is good content. But what makes good content for the domain world? Read on for some email marketing content ideas for domains.


DCC offers many new gTLDs. These gTLDs are released at different times and often have special pricing associated with their release. Use your emails to tell people about these new releases, as well as what domains will be released soon. DCC offers news of these releases and a quick internet search can give you an idea of more domains that will be available for purchase soon.


A big question any one has before buying  a product, and in this case a domain, is, how much does it cost? Your first inkling may be to hold back pricing information on the domains in your portfolio until a customer becomes serious, but this can turn people off. DCC offers up-front at-cost pricing on there website, which drives interest and lets people know more about the industry they may be joining. Consider taking this same approach with your emails. Highlight the prices of your domains or those offered through DCC, including specials, inexpensive domains, and popular domains.


gTLDs give you a lot of room for branding and creative use. Get people interested in fun gTLDs by offering them ideas on how to use them. Even better, tailor your email information on domains based on what you know about people. Know an accountant? Email them about the pricing of .accountant. Know someone in digital marketing? Why not tell them about .digital or .social? Share ideas to get others interested.

Your Experience

How did you get into domain sales? What have you learned along the way? Take the time to tell others about your experience and tricks of the trade. This makes domaining seems less intimidating and lets others know that you’re available for support.


Every now and then, consider sending a note to encourage others in their business or domain sales. These emails can be a simple as a powerful quote, or a note from you, sharing your recent successes and how others can achieve the same.


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5 Ways to Market Your Domain for Sale or Use

market your domain

Now that you’ve purchased your domain(s) through DCC, how do you plan to use it? Your domain is an investment, no matter if you’re using it for your own business or planning to sell it for a profit. Read on for ways to market your domain, whether you plan to sell the domain or use it, and get a return on your investment.

Domains For Sale:

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to share that you have a collection of domain names for sale. Email marketing should be conversational and to the point. You’re not trying to make a sale, you’re trying to make a connection and tout the benefits of your domain.

Before you start emailing, remember that email marketing requires a double opt in before you can reach out to someone by email. That means someone needs to sign up to receive emails from you and then confirm they would like to receive these emails and their signup was not a mistake. This can be accomplished with a contact form on your website where visitors can sign up with their email. As you get their emails, send them a note to ensure they want to be subscribed. Then its up to you to market and share why others should be interested in investing in your domains.

Social Media

Social media is great place to promote your domains because people who will see you promotion are already online and browsing. You should promote on social media just how important it is to have a branded domain or share how much income you’re building with domain sales. Make your social media posts fun, but informative and don’t post so frequently that others grow weary of the information. Also, consider creating your own Facebook and Twitter account for your domain promotion, that way, you know that the people that fan or follow you are truly interested in the domain world.

DCC offers great pricing on our domains through our membership offerings. As soon as you become a DCC member, you have access to at-cost pricing, which means you pay what we pay for domains. This kind of pricing makes DCC the right choice for many people, including people you already know. So consider sharing DCC with your network and each time someone you referred becomes a member, you will earn between $25 and $200.

Domains For Use:

Content Marketing

If you’ve purchased a domain to use for your own business, content marketing is an effective way to establish your business and promote your website. Content marketing is when you produce great content in the form of blogs, videos, and photos, and share them to drive people to your website. Consider creating a blog to go with your business website that talks about best practices within your industry. Or create videos that promote “how to’s” within your industry. These are powerful ways to offer people something for free to drive them to your website and then share your business with them .

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is important for driving traffic to your website. This means doing research on sites like Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find out what words or phrases are popular in your industry. Once you find these phases, use them in your content marketing. To really get the most out of your SEO use these popular words and phrases in your actual domain name. Like or The right keywords will market your site without you having to actively do so.


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