Work From Home

Time Management Tips for Working from Home

tips for working from home


Working from home is an amazing opportunity, but it can come with some obstacles. It’s not always easy to find time to work when you don’t keep normal hours, and sometimes your home is just too relaxing to do want to get any work done. We’ve got a few tips for working from home that will help you manage your time and make the most of the freedom.

Identify Your Most Productive Times

Now that you set your schedule, it’s time to find out what works best for you. Are you a morning person or a night owl? What does your day look like before you add work? Where can you fit in a few hours to get down to building your business? These are great questions to ask yourself. Working from home can mean working completely independently, or working with other people’s schedules. Identify the time that works best for you to get work done each day and stick with it while being mindful of anyone you do business with. Late night hours might be great for you, but if you’ve got to make phone calls to customers and clients, this wont work for them.

Share Your Schedule

Now that you’ve identified your schedule, share it. Many people who work from home have families to take care of and relationships to be considerate of. It’s up to you to let these people know your work from home schedule so they can respect it. This allows you for more uninterrupted time as people will know to leave you to your work during your set times. It’s also a good idea to share your schedule with any clients or customers you work with regularly. This way customers can know when to contact you and you can be sure that your personal time will stay just that.

Leave Your House

If you’ve worked from home before, you know that sometimes there’s just no getting work done in your house. Whether is distractions or your attitude, sometimes the best way to be productive is to get out of the house and into a new environment. Find a coffee shop that you like that isn’t too busy when you need to get work done. Many restaurants also offer free wifi, or better yet, check out the local public library. Most offer wifi with easy access and you’re almost always guaranteed a quiet spot to get work done.

Give 100%

As we talked about above, many people work from home to better accommodate family and relationships, which is a great idea. However, it’s important to dedicate your full attention to one thing at a time. When it’s time to get your work done, make sure it has all of your focus–no running loads of laundry or chatting with your kids when it’s time to do work. This ensures your get your work done and that you have the time to give your all to your family when your work day is done.

Working from home is a great opportunity, but also comes with lots of responsibility. Learn how to better manage your time and watch your business flourish.


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Work From Home

Top Tools for Building Your Business from Home (That You Don’t Have to Pay For!)

Building Your Business from Home

Working from home is the right option for many people, whether this means working full time from home, or earning extra income without having to leave the house to go to a second job. While working from home might take some investment in the form of high speed internet and the right plan for your cell or home phone, most tools to succeed in this environment are at your fingertips free of charge. Here’s how to take advantage of tools you already have access to in order to be successful building your business from home.

Online or Email Provider Calendar

Whether you use the calendar that comes with your Microsoft Outlook or a free service like Google’s Gcal, this is a very important tool. Put all meetings, hours worked, and planned phone calls in your calendar. Track the hours you’re putting into your business and plan times to work. Make sure you put an alert on all your important calendar notes, so you will be notified a few hours or even a day before an important event, like a phone call with a new downline member or a networking event. Calendars are also helpful looking back, you can see the last time you reached out to a prospective customer or when you called the phone company to settle that bill. Online calendars are great as well because you can’t misplace them and they can often sync up with your smartphone and other devices.

Your Phone

This may seem old-fashioned, but your phone is essential for building your business from home. Much business can be done through email, but it doesn’t replace a phone call to get right to the point and negotiate a business deal or offer help. If you work in affiliate marketing, make sure you are available by phone to help your downline. Take time to schedule conference calls with your team to motivate them and work towards goals together.

Skype, Google Hangout or Other Video Tools

Video chatting tools are great for working from home, because often your customers and “colleagues” are far away. Consider video calls when you want to connect with multiple people at once, or share expertise that can only be done with the help of visuals. Services like Skype and Google Hangouts are free to use, so try them out!

Computer Camera and Microphone

These are great tools to create helpful videos for your customers and team members. If you work in affiliate marketing, video is a powerful tool to onboard new downline members, or promote to website visitors the power of affiliate programs. A quality microphone and camera can make your videos high quality and your business seem more professional.

Quiet Space

You don’t need to have an entire private office to be have success working from home, but having a designated area to do work is important. Work with your family or roommates to schedule time where you can do work uninterrupted. If you do have an office, consider turning off the wireless internet connection on your computer when you don’t need it so you don’t get distracted by mindless browsing when you should be doing something else–like making phone calls. Having uninterrupted time to put in to the your business may be the most important tool to success working from home, so be sure to schedule it!


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