Work From Home

10 Ways To Be Unbelievably Productive While Working From Home

In this digital era, the amount of ways to make money on the Internet, from the comfort of your own home, are seemingly endless. However, in this game of opportunity, the unproductive, unorganized, and unprepared can be easily left behind.

For example, companies that need affiliate marketing services to help push their products out, will allow you to work, network, and promote from home, then send you your commission payments after they see your results.   Easy as pie, right? Well – as long as you are the type of person who can actually be productive while working from home.

Here are a few tips to ensure your success in getting your work done right on a daily basis:

1. Get Up and Get Ready for “Work”

Even though you’re working from home, pretend that you are actually getting up to go to a job that requires you to be in on time. Set your alarm, get up early, get dressed, work out, and eat breakfast. Create a morning routine that gets you going, and one you stick to day after day.

2. De-clutter

No one likes working in a messy, cluttered environment. It’s distracting and causes anxiety. Make sure your workspace is clean and ready to go by the time you sit down. Have everything you need for the first part of your morning on your desk – notepad, coffee, water, pens, laptop, etc. No excuses to get up and wander around the house.

3. Have a Designated “Office”

This one is VERY important. Designate a room with a desk and a door. Don’t work where you sleep, got it? Close the door, and make sure any family members or family pets nearby know that when the door is closed, it means you are currently operating a business.

4. Make a To-do List by Priority

Make this list every single morning, without fail. Physically write down the projects and tasks you need to complete by the end of the day. Get as granular as “responding to emails”. If it needs to get done, write it down – and prioritize by importance.

5.  Decide on Your “NUMBER ONE” Task for the Day

This “NUMBER ONE” should also be the number one item on your “To-do List”. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world contributed to an article that stated their productivity comes from focusing their day (or week, or quarter, etc.) around ONE specific goal – and not starting another until that one is complete. The mindset being “those who multitask fail – those who focus succeed”.

Productivity work from home6. Book Appointments in Your Calendar for Work and Breaks

Use your “To-do List” to time your activities and tasks throughout the day. Allow time for every activity you need to realistically complete, including posting on social media and lunch. This overall calendar should also be used when scheduling calls and meetings in advance. Then, you should incorporate your daily “To-do List” around your pre-scheduled events.

7. Set Aside Specific Time to Plan and Brainstorm

Rest, freedom, and creativity can actually make you more productive. Set aside time in your calendar for “free thinking”. Use that time to research and plan things, come up with new ideas, and innovate. Just don’t waste that time checking your phone, or changing the laundry.

8. Try Incorporating Theme Days

Some people work best when their entire day revolves around one particular “theme”. For example, let’s say you are an affiliate marketer for Domain Cost Club. Perhaps your Monday is geared towards Cold Calling, Tuesdays are for activities that grow your social media following, Wednesdays are for all activities that support email marketing, Thursdays are for team brainstorming and networking meetings…you get the idea! This concept also lends itself to the “NUMBER ONE” task of the day.


Lock it in a drawer and put it on silent. Don’t open the drawer until the designated time in your calendar for phone checking, and returning calls. Encourage people to schedule calls in advance, so that it is already factored into your schedule for the day.

10. Give Yourself a Grade at the End of Each Day

You will be surprised at how affective this last tip is. Obviously you are on the honor system here, but give it a try. See how many things from your to-do list you accomplished that day. Was everything done to the best of your ability? Are you proud of what you accomplished? Give yourself a letter grade for the day, and see how many “A’s” you can get each week. You could even assign yourself a prize for a good “report card”!

Opportunity for success will never be the issue when it comes to working online from home.  The challenge comes in continually learning your craft to the best of your ability, perseverance, and actually doing the work at hand. Make a conscious effort to try these tips, and see how much more you can accomplish in a day!



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